Here you can read and see what others go through and some of the things they do to get by day to day or what tools helped them get back to a life they deserve and use to live before dealing with Mental Health. For everyone its different, me myself I have family that keeps me pushing. My Grandkids are my life and without them I don't know where I would be. It definitely keeps me going, they are my medicine among other actual prescribed meds. My mentality is being here for my family and knowing that they need me especially my grandkids, once upon a time I didn't care if I lived or died. I was dealing with survivors' remorse especially during the holidays, but as I looked at my family, I knew I needed to speak with someone, so I used my VA and went into therapy. It gave me the tools I needed to enjoy life. Not saying I'm this miracle turnaround I still do have my good and bad days but now I know how to get through the bad and help myself get over what I'm feeling at that moment. Here I want people to learn a little more about the things we all do to enjoy life and what makes your day better. You never know when that one individual is having a bad day and reading what you have done worked for them. Everyone is different so learning other ways to cope can really help, they may just find what's right for them. I'm no therapist or work for any health facility, I'm just your average everyday veteran. When I departed the military, I wanted to help others that was going through what I'm experiencing. I went to college for my associate in arts. I wanted to work in the Mental health field, so I then started studying for my Bachelors. I made it through all my classes, one thing was holding me back, doing a mentorship. I couldn't continue school my vocabulary wasn't as it used to be and when I spoke to people the words I wanted to say wouldn't come as quick, I would always have to say Ah brain cramp to throw people off. My memory wasn't as it used to be any longer, so I stopped. Thank God for grammar and spell check lol or I would be forever trying to do this lol! Well, enough about me. I do have other things to share on how I get through day-to-day life. If you would like to know on what works for me just leave a comment and I'll answer back. Also let us know what works for you it just might work for someone else. Like I stated earlier I'm no professional doctor. I'm a Veteran, all I can tell you is what worked for me and me only.